On the Popularity of Fox News

“Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it.” -Thomas Paine If Glenn Beck says the government wants to tax your breathing under the guise of global warming legislation, that doesn’t mean it’s true. If Sarah Palin tells us that health care reform is an evil plot, it’s more a reflection of …

On Fox News and Peddling Suspicion

“Suspicion is the companion of mean souls, and the bane of all good society.” -Thomas Paine The issue isn’t really what matters. What matters is to cast doubt on whatever position your opponent takes on the issue.

On Politics vs. Leadership

“A little matter will move a party, but it must be something great that moves a nation.” -Thomas Paine, Rights of Man Political polarization is not the path to true leadership. When politics refuses to go beyond party at all costs, it remains small, unable to lead. Greatness and leadership is usually found outside the …

On Released Memos Justifying Torture

“An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates his duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” -Thomas …

On Transparency in Government

A nation under a well regulated government, should permit none to remain uninstructed. It is monarchical and aristocratical government only that requires ignorance for its support. -Thomas Paine, Rights of Man It is the government with something to hide, or thinks itself justified in so doing, that we must fear most.

On the Politics of Resentment

“There are two distinct species of popularity; the one excited by merit, the other by resentment.” -Thomas Paine Too often it seems as if our political leaders and those seeking power pander toward the worst in people – intolerance and resentment, fear and prejudice. Achieving popularity by inciting the darker passions in people may win elections, but …

On Redefining Torture

“An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.”-Thomas Paine …

On Cheap Energy

“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly”-Thomas Paine True for any aspect of our lives, but particularly significant today with the rising cost of energy, in terms of dollars as well as the social and environmental consequences of our energy culture. For decades we in the developed world have enjoyed an abundance that …

On Dodging Bullets in Bosnia

It is easy to tell a lie, but it is difficult to support the lie after it is told.-Thomas Paine How easy it is to be swept up in the moment and find yourself stepping over the line between fact and fiction. How hard it is to explain it after the moment has passed and …